Student Run Food Trucks

Student Run Food Trucks “86’s” the hurdles of extremely high restaurant start-up costs by offering a way to let students and food entrepreneurs share their creations and try their hand at restauranteering, regardless of monetary barriers, which will set them up for success in future endeavors.


Mission statement: We seek to provide all students and young entrepreneurs, regardless of economic background, a starting platform where they can hone their craft and gain the necessary skills at running a food truck in order to successfully own and operate their own restaurant down the line.


Founding team: Solo-preneur, Jacalyn Rosa, graduating 2022. This is a big undertaking that I’m super excited to bring to fruition. I’m currently looking for new team members and mentors who share in the vision or have some experience in the restaurant industry themselves. If you’re interested, please email me at


Achievements: Won 3rd place in Start-Up Fest 2020